Do we Need to Write Architecture?

In a multi-disciplinary field like Architecture where Buildings speak and translate an architect’s Idea to people – it is certainly an important question as to why do we need to Write Architecture? Do we really need a written text to sublime the thought of creativity of the written formula that enhances the liberty of Design is really an important question. In 21 Century when, technology is being responsive and design being Human a zest to put down built into text is a thought worth possessing. Architects have always been self obsessed with their creation, rather every designer is perhaps. Critics have always observed the important position to provide a third party review or may be a review which actually a layman would rather comment on a designer’s approach.

Writing Architecture has always been assumed to be something like treatises or huge literature of Sir Banister Fletcher where readers are supposed to trace down their Architectural Evolution and take forward the crux and formulate to create with references in head. Writing is never presumed from reader’s point, especially in Architecture. We, as Architects have always mentioned Design as a process and not writing. Architecture has more or less over ruled the idea to write or express, things are either documented, criticized, accredited, testified etc.  Writing Architecture is equal to designing or creating as a writer’s mind is putting down the contextual story, thoughts, references, observations that eventually give birth to design.  Describing architecture as always been the talk as Architecture is not just built – it includes unbuilt, sensed, felt identities as well. It is all around us and to describe what we live with is an idea that Gen Z needs to adopt as all that is present cannot be in visual; it has to be talked and written as well.
